
I am Liuda,

an aspiring

urban planner


get in touch


about me

I am interested in all things urban planning, sustainability and art-related!

Here are some prompts for us to get to know each other better:

1. A non-negotiable: absurdism is the best form of entertainment.
2. My personal hell is American suburbs.
3. If I could have a superpower it'd be to cross stitch faster.
A brief


in Portland, OR
TDM & Outreach Manager
at Go Lloyd
BA in Arts & Humanities
& BS in Computational Sciences from Minerva University
in a nutshell

my ever-growing skills


• Creating & editing maps in ArcGIS & QGIS;
• Geocoding, georeferencing, & layering spatial data;
• Working with shapefiles, raster datasets, & geodatabases;
• Creating and publishing web maps & applications using ArcGIS Online.

data analysis & statistics

• Proficient in Python and R for data analysis and statistical modeling;
• Skilled in advanced statistical techniques, including causal inference, matching, correlation, regression, and simulations;
• Data pre-processing, vetting, collection, analysis & visualization;
• Creating concise briefs & reports to communicate findings effectively.

historical inquiry & Digital humanities

• Experience working with visual, written, & physical primary & secondary historical sources;
• Use of analytical historical comparisons;
• Experience studying subaltern groups and historical silences;
• Proficiency with Zotero for resource management & digital archive navigation;
• Creating historical walking tours and conducting oral interviews.

qualitative & quantitative research

• Experience writing thesis-driven research papers and working with qualitative and quantitative data;
• Gap analysis & detail-oriented research skills;
• Strong critical thinking and analytical skills to identify patterns and correlations in data;
• Research scheduling and planning.

Public Communication

• Creating public-facing materials such as websites & webpages, Spark Pages, infographics, StoryMaps & videos;
• Multimodal communication skills & cross-team communication.

Project management

• Proven track record in project design and management;
• Excellent cooperation and communication skills, fostering effective collaboration with diverse social groups, public officials, & NGOs;
• Experience with self-guided work.

Interviewing & Surveying

• Designing and administering online surveys to collect reliable data from diverse respondents;
• Crafting effective interview protocols & survey questionnaires tailored to research objectives;
• Presenting interview/survey findings visually.

Diagramming & mockuping

• Creating proofs of concepts;
• Diagramming in Figjam;
• Creating app interface mockups in Figma.

a taste of

my recent projects

Here is a glimpse of my academic works, written as part of my Minerva experience and individual ventures into urban planning, digital humanities and human-centered design.
Click on the arrow in the bottom right corner to open a project of interest!
If you'd like to see all of my works, they live in roads: big & small.

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